The sudden influx of articles at the eve of last publication, the insertion of which would admit of no delay, prevented us from drawing the attention of the reader to the government notice announcing certain rewards to the persons who had been instrumental in effecting the capture of the four desperate characters Ward, Newman, Buchan, and Dawson. The following is a copy of the notice :—
"Government Notice, No. 14, Colonial Secretary's office, Feb. 5, 1834.—In order to mark the high sense entertained by the go- vernment of the intrepidity and gallantry displayed by the individuals who recently apprehended the four desperate bushrangers, Ward, Newman, Buchan, and Dawson, and with a view to stimulate others to similar meritorious conduct his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to authorise the undermentioned rewards to all the individuals concerned in the capture of this banditti,—
Mr. Connell and his wife, 100/-.
Mr. Connell, the brother of ditto, 25/-.
Wm. Dixon, constable, 25/-, an emancipation, and his family to be brought from Eng- land at the government expense.
Thomas McGorman, S. 25/-.
William Grigg, 25/-.
William Grigg, 25/-.
Charles Dewhurst, an emancipation.
Henry Hill, David Lyon, a ticket of leave, and 5/-.
Rupen Morrell, per Strathfieldsay, a ticket of leave and 5/-.
James Carey, ditto, a ticket of leave and 5/-.
By his Excellency's command, J. Burnett."
The perusal of this notice is a double pleasure. The successful capture of the bushrangers is in itself a matter of great satisfaction, while the promptness in rewarding the exertions of individuals in such a cause, and the
sense it implies of the anxiety of the power at the helm of affairs for the public peace and prosperity, is gratifying in the extreme. We are all indeed too much inclined to look upon our private interests as separate and opposed to those of the publie or the government, instead of regarding them as uniting in one common stream, tending to the general good. We seldom lose an opportunity of telling the authorities, and that in very plain terms, that the great secret of good government is the due promotion of the safety, the welfare, and the happiness of the people at large. But at the same time; the people ought to be reminded that although the government is appointed for their protection, they must not look upon themselves as being wholly secluded from public duty, but when opportunity offers, as in the case of Mr. Connell aad his assistants, promptly and cheerfully to step forward even at the hazard of their lives, if need be for personal courage, to arrest the arm of insubordination, to maintain social order, and by their good example and endeavour, contribute their aid with the great machine of government to put down crime, to weed out the black sheep of society, and in a word, to let honest industry enjoy in all cases its due and fair reward."